PACO artists booker (+44 741 842 9076)
Blacklist Blacklist

Below you can see names of clubs, owners, managers who create damages to dancers, artist, agenties. Be aware never work with black listed clubs!!!

Bus Paradise
Owner name:
Irina Palenkova , MAthieu Chevalier, Souvendy Tony Kay, Catherine Kai
Club address:
20 rue Victor Cousin 06400 CANNES

We monitor the following complaints from artists regarding with the 2 clubs Bus Paradise Lion ( manager MAthieu Chevalier ) and Bus Paradise Cannes ( manager Irina Palenkova ).

" I'm from Ukraine and I got in contact with Irina ( via WhatsApp +33 6 61 72 45 88 ) for a job as a dancer . She invited me to her club in Cannes . I told her I'm from Ukraine and I need documents to work in France . After I arrived , I was tiered but Irina Palenkova asked me to work because she needs girls . In the morning Irina Palenkova gave me 20 euros and ask me to leave the apartment because I'm from Ukraine and I cannot work in France and also the owner is Russian and do not like Ukraine girls !!! I was shoked .. Without sleeping for 2 days , she did not give me all the money , no salary and ask me to leave . Irina Palenkova is a bad person without heart " .

" Irina invited me to come to work in Cannes in Bus Paradise , from the first night I see the girls laughing withiout any reasons to understand later then Irina Palenkova the club manager was giving them some drugs . She also come to me to propose me to buy those drugs because she said , I will work better and make money money .
I refused. Druging the girls to accept to be touched everywhere by customers and exploit them sexualy I did not accepted .
Irina Palenkova was upsept and she asked me to leave the apartment next morning . Very bad experience in this club in Cannes - Bus Paradise . I do not recommend to anyone ! "

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ELISIR Night Club
Owner name:
Luca Pugliese
Club address:
Pisa, Italy

The club was closed by the police , because Luca Pugliese did not declare the girls , do not pay taxes for the staff .

Garda di Fiancia / Fiscal Police issue an arresting mandate for Luca Pugliese for money laundering .

Luca Pugliese was using his club to sell drugs , using the girls to make deliveries as going to private parties for 100 euros . After drugged the girls been asking to perform private dances and all kind of sex perversions for Luca Pugliese clients .

Luca Pugliese is a dangerous person do not recommend to do business or work for him . Police in Italy , Interpol Europe and US have him on a record for money laundering and pimping girls .

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7 Heaven
Owner name:
Slim Isaksen
Club address:

Monitoring complains from Dancers working in Night Clubs , the following come up

" I was invited by Slim via his WhatsApp ( +4528359919 ) to work in his Club 7th Heaven Copenhagen . I arrived Tuesday and also go to work , the club was empty all night . Next day Wednesday I went again to work , only 1 customer and 7 girls jumped on him . I spend money to come to Copenhagen on flight ticket and preparations .. and I remember Slim over the Whatsapp saying .. My CLUB is the BEST in Copenhagen , every night MIN 30 customers coming in .
Next day , Slim come to me and ask me to pay for the accommodation in advance , because he was afraid I will leave for home ,, many other girls started to leave without any notice . I said to him , I have no more money I need also money for food , he started screaming on me and kicked me out ON THE STREET ! "

" Slim liked me from the first day I come to 7th Heaven Club to work and invite me for diner next day , I accepted because I was thinking its a business diner between boss and staff . He was complimenting me all evening , how beautiful I m .. he will help me to make a lot of money in his club and after diner he invited me to his apartment .. he is an old man with white hair , he could be my father .. I was socked and I said I m sorry but I need to work tonight in your club .. He replay , you can come 2 -3 hours later I m your boss . I said NO , he looked at me angry , he said .. Do you think you are a Princess ? I was having sex with much more beautiful girls like you .. YOU ARE NOT WORKING IN MY CLUB FROM NOW ! "

" Slim asked me to leave his club and the apartment saying he will send me my money by Western Union , the money are paid every week .. He sent me a message saying , I need to pay more money for accommodation and I have to send him money ... "

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ROLLES CLUB - CasCais | PHOTUS CLUB - Lisbon | Agency
Owner name:
Club address:

Info gathered from girls from Russia and Ukraine which come to work in Portugal on tourist visas after Oscar Rosmano invited them .

1) Oscar promised me to arrange my work permit when in Portugal , I paid my flight to Lisbon and when I arrived after few days , the conditions in Rolles club - CasCais changed and no work permit possible . Police was coming in the club , I had to run to do not be deported .. Oscar was a liar , I lost more then 800 euros because of his promises .

2) I come to Portugal on Oscar Rosmano invitation , he said I will work in Rolls club in Cascais , but he put me to work in Photus Club - Lisbon , this club is always empty , not even weekends come customers .. After 2 weeks of spending nights for nothing I decide to leave , but Oscar refuse to pay my salary .. he said has no money and I should wait longer . I said , I go to the police but Oscar threaten me with Mexican mafia , because he is from Mexico and in the evening a man come to the apartment where I was staying and put me in the street .. This Oscar is a criminal , an handicapped person , I hope he will be arrested for all the bad things is doing to girls from Ukraine , Russia , and East Europe .

3) the 2 clubs Rolles in Cascais and Photus in Lisbon are always empty , the staff are waiting for tourists to come to spend money but no tourists also . The 2 clubs are like cover to recruit girls , then Oscar propose them to travel to Mexico and back and carry on narcotics as bolls into their stomach . After 1 week when I want to leave because was no money in the club , Oscar come to me and propose me to pay me 2000 euros for 3 days trip to Mexico to traffic drugs into my stomach .. no risk , you are a girl from Ukraine , you look like tourist .. all will be okay .. What this man thing we are stupid ?

4) Oscar promised to prolong my tourist visa , he gave me a paper which says " I will be invited for a meeting in 6 months " , he lied to me , because of him I got deport for Shengen Europe for 5 years now .

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Alcatraz - Rhodos Greece
Owner name:
Nikolas Koutoumanis
Club address:

This was the worse experience I never had .. when I just arrive to Rhodos , I met Nikolas Koutoumanis the club owner and he was asking me immediately if I also go out and have sex with customers because it's better like that ! .. I said , sorry .. I m just a dancer .
From the first night .. he was screaming at me and also to the other 3 black girls in the club .. calling us bithes and threatening to brake our feet if we do something wrong ! I was so scared ...
Fortunately .. I called Paco and he was very understanding and help me to move to other club after few days ..

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Bimbo's Montecatini
Owner name:
Regalati Giovanni and Eugen ( from Romania )
Club address:
Via Zizzolo 9 , 51016 Montecatini Terme, Italy

The worst experience in my life to work in Bimbo's Montecatini . Eugen , the Romanian manager promised us 70 euro salaries to attract us to come in Montecatini . We didn't have a legal form of work " Eugen ask us to sign a contract for 2 hours / day work and says if Police come , we should say we work only 2 hours , but every night we work 8 hours " .
After 5 days , Eugen ask us to leave to club because we do not accept to go out with customers as " having diner " but in fact it suppose to go to the customer house for sex !
He paid us , only part of our money and when we ask for all our money .. He threatened with some Romanian or Albanian mafia which can come to our house .

Mirela & Alina

This Eugen is a rude and uneducated person , we asked to pay our commission ( only 150 euro ! ) and he start to insult us over the phone and threaten us with Romanian and Albanian mafia as he is the big boss !
La peggiore esperienza della mia vita a lavorare in Bimbo's Montecatini. Eugen, il direttore rumeno ci ha promesso 70 euro mensili per attirare noi a venire a Montecatini. Non abbiamo avuto una forma giuridica del lavoro "Eugen ci chiedono di firmare un contratto per 2 ore di lavoro al giorno e dice che se vieni polizia, dovremmo dire lavoriamo solo 2 ore, ma ogni sera ci lavoro 8 ore".
Dopo 5 giorni, Eugen ci chiede di lasciare al club perche noi non si accetta di uscire con i clienti come "andare cina ", ma in realte supponiamo di andare a casa dei clienti per il sesso!
Ci ha pagato, solo una parte dei nostri soldi, e quando chiediamo a tutti i nostri soldi .. Ha minacciato con la mafia rumena o albanesa, che pui venire a casa nostra.

                                           Mirela & Alina

Questo Eugen e una persona maleducata e incolta, lui abbiamo chiesto di pagare la nostra commissione (a soli 150 euro!) E lui inizia a insultare noi al telefono e ci minacciano con la mafia rumena e albanese come lui e il grande capo!

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Josephine Music Hall
Owner name:
Stefano Mancini
Club address:
via adriatica n. 26 castelfidardo (an) Italy

It was a very bad experience for us working in this Club . The club boss promise us big salaries to make us spend our money to bay our tickets to come.
This place is very DIRTY , we sow girls doing SEX in this club ! A lot of illegal girls from South America .

When it was to get our money after 2 weeks , Stefano Mancini didn't want to pay us by saying he will send the money by Western Union , we want it to go to the police and Stefano Mancini become violent and put his bodyguards to scare us and bring us to the train station to leave ....

Those peoples are not humans ... it was a SO TERRIBLE experience in Josephine Music Hall and with Stefano Mancini .

... Ana and Lory

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Manilya Gazinosu - Ankara , Turkey
Owner name:
Osman Manilya Ankara
Club address:
Manilya Night Club - Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı No: 63-C Maltepe/ANKARA

When we arrive to this Club Manilya in Ankara , we been shoked .. no costumers and the owner Mr. Osman refuse to pay us as we agreed before and tell to us we need to work 2 months for free to pay back his costs ( visa , Sergey , medical ) MORE .. we pay for our tickets to Ankara and Mr. Osman ask us to pay back also the tickets .. we shoked and disapointed about MANILYA CLUB ANKARA .. only lies , lies ...
... 2 girls from Ukraine

I was also disapointed about this club ,, and I left after 4 days ... they want it to pay me $50/ day ... I was working in Istanbul and Izmir with $70 / day .. because I know how to work ... Mr. Osman do not respect what is saying ... all girls in Manilya Club - Ankara are NOT HAPPY ...

... one girl from Russia

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