Frequently asked questions
Who we are ?
Paco Promotion is a Canadian company legally registered ( see our license ) , working in entertainment business since year 2000. Others trade name we legally use are and Paco Agency . During the years we expend our business into Europe . At the moment we have ARTISTS ( dancers, hostess , singers, show ballets ) management in Russia , Ukraine , Romania , Poland , Bulgaria , Estonia , Lithuania , Hungary .
Reasons to work with Paco Agency and not alone ( direct with the club )?
1) 100 % the same working conditions for all ARTISTS in the club . More, our ARTISTS receive bonuses on flight tickets from our Agency.
2) Can call the Agency any time you need and we help you ( the club did not pay you , club put you to live in a bad room , club creates disadvantages to you and don't offers you good working condition ) .
3) The best clubs ( where good money can be made , with efficient and competent management, where ARTISTS are happy to work ) are working ONLY with an Agency , because they need continues ARTISTS supply ( bad clubs, low-budgets clubs are looking for ARTISTS alone because no agency wants to collaborate with them ) .
4) Continuously getting jobs into a new money potential club ( clubs are having good and bad seasons , better for the ARTISTS to change constantly the club ) , just by contacting us.
How Paco Agency can control the club and helps me ?
Paco Agency has strong Contracts signed with each Club with strict terms and conditions. The Club respects our Contracts because can face justice , blacklist or taking away all our ARTISTS and stop any collaboration .
Risks for you to work directly with the club ( without Paco Agency ) .
1) 95 % of the dancers, hostess been working alone experienced a bad situation ( not been paid ) or a very bad situation ( not been paid and thrown out in the street by the club bodyguards if they tried to protest ) . High risk countries working alone are Italy , Turkey , Greece , Portugal , Mexico , Germany , even UK and Austria.
2) Nobody can help you if you are right.
3) Get bad treatment from other girls who have good relations with the club ( club will keep their side ) .
Do I need experience to apply for the jobs listed on this site?
No previous experience is required , certain clubs provide training for beginners ( check with us ) . Previous experience is necessary for jobs like Go go dancing , show ballets , professionals .
How do I know it is SAFE?
We always travel to see the clubs first , before signing contracts or booking our ARTISTS ( on our clubs offers you can see , photos, videos with the club and accommodation filmed by us ) . We care about the safety of our ARTISTS and the working conditions . We accept collaborating only with serious clubs ( well organized institutions ) , we check every club in depth and we look into any complain , we remove or blacklist the clubs who create troubles .
Do I pay my own airfare/ travel ticket?
Yes, for most jobs you will need to pay for your own air ticket or at least 30 % of the value if it's first time collaborating with us ( details vary on each club ) .
Do I pay for my accommodation?
The accommodation rules vary for each job. Some jobs include accommodation and others you will have to pay. If you do have to pay, the prices are very affordable and the accommodation is never to far from the club/ job.
Will someone meet me at the airport when I arrive?
Yes, a staff member from the club or event will meet you at the airport and take you to your accommodation and show you where you need to go and when you need to be there.
What happens if I get sick?
If you are not in an English speaking country, There are various English-speaking doctors situated close by. I do therefore suggest every one purchases medical and travel insurance before leaving home that will cover them for the duration of their stay. (you will pay for this.) This can be purchased at most travel agents when you buy your airline tickets.
Do I need to speak the language?
Obviously every word of a foreign language you know will be helpful in your everyday dealings and life. However in the clubs a large number of our customers are either English speaking foreigners Being able to be polite and learning common work phrases will of course be to your advantage financially.
I have a friend that wants to come and we would like to live together?
We always try our hardest to make your stay as comfortable as possible so this is no problem. If you would like to live with one of your friends that is coming with you then please let us know..
How long do I have to stay for?
To come to a new country and adapt to a new culture and working environment does not happen overnight. The maximum length of stay depends on the visa you have. Some people get home sick quite quickly and others not at all. For you to get used to the club and its system, get familiar with your co-workers and make regular customers we suggest 8-12 weeks as an ideal length of stay for your first trip. We are of course flexible so you tell us how long you want to come for and we will try our best to work something out. Of course if you like it there, which we are sure you will, you can always extend your stay.
What should I bring with me?
Below are just some suggestions, remember there are probably some things I may have missed off:
• Appropriate clothing; check any travel website for seasonal temperatures.
• Purse - to keep your cash and tickets in whilst working.
• Make-up utensils and toiletries.
• Your own bed sheets ( if club offers accommodation into a hotel you will not need ).
• Towels (not supplied.).
• A language dictionary - its nice to be able to say 'how ya doing' to people you meet.
• All relevant documents - do not forget your passport, airline ticket and travel insurance details before leaving the house!
• Relatives / friends phone numbers and addresses (remember to find out your country code for dialling home.)
• Cash/credit cards to see you through the first few days.
Can I apply for more than 1 job at a time?
Please feel free to apply for as many of the listed jobs as you like. We can book out your entire year if you like, and you can just move from job to job and country to country.
What if I do not like the local food?
All these jobs are in major cities, and therefore they will have your regular fast food and international restaurants, also located close to all of the apartments are supermarkets that supply a lot of international food.
How much money can I make?
Depending on which job you are applying for and which club or event the money varies. The potential to make serious cash is there, just ask us .
This all sounds amazing, how do I apply?
All you have to do is go to the application page and follow the instructions. Please make sure you have RECENT pictures of yourself to attach to your application before you apply. If you do not have any pictures, please apply when you have them. The pictures must show your face and figure clearly so a mixture of full body shots and a head shot is fine.
I am having problems sending my application, what do I do?
The main reason for an application not sending is your attached pictures are too big in size. If you can please resize them, the application page tells you what you need to do, or just send the application with out pictures, then email us the pictures separately ( mentioning your name ) to
Can I introduce a friend and bring her with me?
Please feel free to introduce as many friends as you like. You will have bonus on your flight for each friend you introduced to us and selected.