SYSTEM for the clubs in Orchard Towers - Singapore:
• Agency collaborate will all 4 clubs in Orchard towers , we can arrange you to work in the club you like.
• pole dance on stage 5 times/ nigh on 30 min. each set ( Go Go style , no topless, no strip ), hostess ( sitting with customers at the table and create a nice ambiance ) .
• Work permits provided by the Agency for 6 months time .
• from 21.00 - to 06.00 , 1 day off per week.
EARNINGS: ( 1 USD ~ 1. 26 SGD , 1 EUR ~ 1.73 SGD )
• The Dancer has a fix salary of USD 500/month, the Dancer makes most of the money by selling drinks in the club ( she gets SGD5 from small drinks, bottle of champagne or read wine is SGD50 ) and tips on stage when dancing. No stage fee / club fee to be paid.
• Part of the money are paid every week , for daily expenses. Rest of money are paid end of the Conntract.
• Free style, the Dancer can choose to wear whatever feels sexy and comfortable .
• USD 2000 - USD 4000/ month, depending on individual experience.
• minimum 18 years old of age.
• nice, slim body shape.
• English conversational knowledge.
• good communications skills, good self confidence.
• dance experience demanded.
• The Contract is 3 to 6 months.
• the clubs are situated in a touristic area of Singapore , many tourists from Australia , West Europe , America , Canada are visiting the clubs , pay drinks to the girls and like to chat with them.
• Good management in the club , very nice ambiance .
• In the club are between 10 - 20 dancers.
• NO commission to be paid to Paco Agency .
• You need to apply first by filling out the application form ( recent photos with you please ! ) , then if you
are selected , you will receive a Contract on your name ( all conditions included ) . 3-5 days after receiving the Contract you can start.
• The work with our Agency is safe. You will have a Contract and you will know all the details before leaving your country.
• Work permits provided by the Agency for 6 months time .
Accommodation :
• Food : paid by the dancers.
• Accommodation : in apartments 3,4 girls sharing one room . Free transport by bus Apartment - Club and return.
Transport :
• round trip transport to Singapore paid and free for the Dancers for 6 months stay . As a guarantee , before baying the flights, the Dancers should prepay USD150 to the Paco Agency manager in their country. The money will be sent back at the end of the Contract when the Dancer returns home.
• Club manager comes to meet the girls at the airport in Singapore , you will have a phone number . All details arranged by Paco Agency.
WE GUARANTEE YOUR MONEY ( always the club will pay your money ! ).
SAME WORKING CONDITIONS LIKE OTHER DANCERS IN THE CLUB ( even better then girls working alone ).
YOUR WORK, IN A SAFE AND SECURE PLACE ( legal work based on Contracts, no sex , no escort, no dirty work ).
BE RESPECTED IN THE CLUB AS PACO DANCER ( clubs staff , other dancers will always respect you ).
NO ANY MONEY TO BE PAID TO US ( our servicies are free ).